ChatGPT vs GravityWriter Full Comparison 2024

ChatGPT vs GravityWriter Full Comparison

ChatGPT and GravityWriter are two leading AI writing assistants that have been making waves recently. ChatGPT, created by OpenAI, is powered by a large language model and aims to understand and generate natural language. GravityWriter, developed by Anthropic, is focused on delivering helpful, honest, and safe AI assistants to users.

Both tools promise to write high-quality content on demand on a wide range of topics. However, they have some key differences in their capabilities, use cases, and overall approach to AI writing. This article will compare ChatGPT vs GravityWriter Full Comparison to help you determine which solution best fits your needs.

What is ChatGPT

ChatGPT vs GravityWriter Full Comparison By

ChatGPT is a conversational AI chatbot launched by OpenAI in November 2022. It uses a cutting-edge natural language processing technique called Transformer to understand and respond to natural language inputs.

ChatGPT is built on top of GPT-3.5, OpenAI’s most advanced AI language model to date. This 175 billion parameter model has been trained on a massive dataset of online text to learn patterns and conventions of human language.

A key benefit of ChatGPT is its ability to understand context and follow the flow of a conversation. You can ask follow-up questions, correct the bot if it makes a factual mistake, and even have debates with nuanced back and forth.

What is GravityWriter

ChatGPT vs GravityWriter Full Comparison

GravityWriter is an AI writing assistant created by Anthropic, a startup founded by former OpenAI researchers focused on AI safety. GravityWriter leverages a novel constitutional AI technique to make AI systems more helpful, harmless, and honest.

Unlike ChatGPT which is trained to maximize engagement, GravityWriter is focused on providing reliable and on-topic responses. It achieves this through self-supervision during training and setting clear constraints on unacceptable model behaviors.

While less flashy than ChatGPT, GravityWriter aims to give users peace of mind that responses will be truthful and safe. The tradeoff is limitations in capabilities like fewer topics covered, simpler language generation, and a more subdued persona.

Comparing Capabilities

Now that we’ve introduced both tools, let’s dive deeper into how their underlying technology and training approaches impact capabilities in areas like language generation, response time, personalization, creativity, and more.

Language Models

ChatGPT leverages cutting-edge Transformer architectures that excel at fluent, human-like text generation across many domains. With 175 billion parameters, its sheer model size allows rich language understanding and the ability to infer context to fill gaps.

In comparison, GravityWriter uses a smaller, purpose-built language model optimized for safety and accuracy over flair. This constrains its breadth of knowledge and language capability. But GravityWriter offers users control settings to tune model behavior as needed.

Response Time

ChatGPT returns remarkably fast and fluent responses to queries in seconds. This responsiveness comes from running complex inferences on powerful cloud hardware.

GravityWriter is generally slower since it conducts additional safety checks on model outputs before responding. Users may experience a lag of 10+ seconds for careful generation. Anthropic is working on improvements to close this speed gap with ChatGPT.


A limitation of ChatGPT is its one-size-fits-all approach without much personalization or understanding of user context. Each user interacts with the same model with no memory or customization between conversations.

In contrast, GravityWriter offers personalization capabilities such as user preferences and the ability to correct the model when it makes a mistake to improve over time. This tunes responses to better suit an individual’s needs.


ChatGPT shows remarkable imagination and creative flair enabled by its vast model capacity and training objective to predict adjacent text well. It can generate fictional stories, compose poetry and lyrics, extend analogies, and blend concepts in inventive ways.

GravityWriter’s creativity is more restricted as it optimizes for factual accuracy over unrestrained generation. Responses are closer to statements supported by evidence rather than flights of fancy. This creativity gap comes from Anthropic favoring safety.

Use Cases

ChatGPT’s broad language understanding makes it adept at a wide range of use cases – from composing essays, poems, code, and speeches to answering curious questions, generating ideas/analogies, and debating complex topics. Its uncanny ability to respond conversationally makes it highly engaging.

GravityWriter is more specialized for focused use cases centered around informational queries, writing assistance, and open-domain questioning where accuracy matters more than flair. It excels at topic summarization, grammar/style editing, basic Q&A, and filling structured templates.

Accuracy and Factual Consistency

Given these differences in their training and constraints, how do ChatGPT and GravityWriter compare when it comes to accuracy and factual consistency?

OpenAI itself has said ChatGPT sometimes makes up facts or provides wrong answers that seem convincing to get a smooth conversational flow. Tests show that ~5% of its responses are factually incorrect or nonsensical.

In contrast, GravityWriter is specifically optimized to respond truthfully – it will skip giving an answer rather than make one up. While gaps remain, initial evaluations show GravityWriter matches ground truth over 92% of the time.

This difference arises because GravityWriter is trained using a technique called constitutional AI to be helpful, harmless, and honest – whereas ChatGPT is tuned solely to maximize human engagement.


Related to factual accuracy is how often responses are plagiarized content copied from elsewhere rather than AI-generated text.

ChatGPT frequently plagiarizes when queried about niche topics outside its training data distribution. It may provide verbatim excerpts from Wikipedia or other sites as its own original text. In academic use cases, this can be problematic.

GravityWriter is designed to avoid appropriation of existing text without citations. Anthropic’s training methodology curates the model to mainly produce newly generated writing in the user’s voice and tone. Sources will be provided for any quotations.


Like other AI systems trained on vast swaths of online text data, both ChatGPT and GravityWriter risk potential issues with biases that can manifest in responses.

However, GravityWriter implements safety constraints to actively mitigate harm – it refuses dangerous, illegal, hateful, etc requests instead of playing along. ChatGPT has fewer guardrails limiting its behavior.

Anthropic also conducts rigorous testing to address representation biases around gender, race, and ethnicity that may slip through in GravityWriter’s language. There is still progress to be made but ethics is a priority.


As a cloud-based service handling sensitive user chats and writings, security is paramount for both tools.

OpenAI has extensive cybersecurity protections on Azure and routinely conducts penetration testing. All ChatGPT user data is end-to-end encrypted.

Similarly, GravityWriter offers enterprise-grade security incorporating confidential computing techniques like differential privacy to analyze data while encrypted. User privacy is preserved.


ChatGPT access remains invite-only for now with plans to offer paid tiers later for consumers and enterprises. Pricing is TBD.

GravityWriter pricing starts at $20 per month for individuals. Volume, enterprise, and API pricing are customized based on the use case. Education and nonprofit discounts are available.

Both tools offer some level of free access or credits – OpenAI via its startup program and beta list; and Anthropic through grant applications.


ChatGPT and GravityWriter take notably different approaches to building consumer AI writing assistants – with tradeoffs around capabilities, use cases, and ethical risks.

ChatGPT impresses with its eloquent language generation able to reason about vastly diverse topics. But lacks veracity checks. GravityWriter favors accuracy and safety over flair which constrains breadth but earns trust.

For enterprise buyers and creators, choosing between the two depends on your priorities and risk tolerance on factors like truthfulness, repetition, citing sources, toxic responses, etc.

If you seek a fast and captivating writer for creative ideation or demos – ChatGPT leads. But if your use case demands high factual reliability then GravityWriter merits consideration despite narrower scope.

As AI writing matures, there is room for convergence combining the best of both models – safely expanding capabilities while optimizing directly for helpfulness to users rather than simply maximizing certain metrics detached from real-world impact. The journey continues!


Q: What is the core difference in the training approach between ChatGPT and GravityWriter?

A: The key difference is that ChatGPT uses a technique called reinforcement learning from human feedback to train models to produce responses that maximize human engagement. In contrast, GravityWriter uses a novel approach called constitutional AI to train models to be helpful, harmless, and honest – optimizing directly for real-world utility.

Q: Can GravityWriter perform creative writing tasks like ChatGPT?

A: GravityWriter has more limited creative writing capabilities compared to ChatGPT. Its strength lies more in assisting with informative non-fiction writing where accuracy matters over artistic license. For unconstrained fiction writing, poems, etc. ChatGPT has a clear edge currently in coherence and originality.

Q: Is the language quality of GravityWriter worse than ChatGPT?

A: Broadly yes – GravityWriter uses a smaller model constrained to focus on accuracy so its language mastery level is lower. Responses tend to use simpler vocabulary and grammar constructions compared to ChatGPT’s eloquence. So from a pure language perspective, ChatGPT is more advanced as a tradeoff for risks on accuracy.

Q: Does GravityWriter also hallucinate false information like ChatGPT?

A: No, GravityWriter is specifically optimized to avoid falsehoods – it is trained to abstain from answering rather than make up facts or take liberties. Open testing shows it matches ground truth over 92% of the time, minimizing hallucinated responses.

Q: Can GravityWriter answer questions as extensively as ChatGPT?

A: GravityWriter has a narrower knowledge breadth versus ChatGPT – its topic coverage focuses more on common queries. So very niche queries may not be addressable or answered as extensively by GravityWriter compared to ChatGPT’s ability to infer and fabricate plausible-sounding explanations. But GravityWriter counters actual misinformation risks.

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